Donate to BHSPA
Help support the BHS students through programs, enrichment, events, improvements and more!
BHS Absence Line
Call: (781)918-4561, or email:
Upcoming BHS Events
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
BHSPA Mission
To encourage, enhance and promote the development of our high school students, to support an inclusive educational and social environment at Bedford High School, and to promote communication among the school, students, families and Bedford community.
What We Do
The BHSPA fundraises to contribute and organize Bedford High School related initiatives, programs, and events. We also send out a bi-weekly e-newsletter through the school year to foster communication from BHS and the parent/guardian community.
We annually support a variety of initiatives:
- History Fair
- Tenacity Challenge
- All Night Grad
- Student Ambassador Program
- Student Planners
- Travel Scholarships
- Spring Musical Sponsorship
- Community Day Activities
- Senior Fashion Show
- Challenge Success speakers and programming
- Parent coffees and roundtables
- Appreciation Lunches/Dinners for faculty and staff
Additionally, we fill funding and grant requests for student groups, school departments, and individual faculty. We have purchased water bottle filling stations, printed guidance booklets, purchased art supplies, funded t-shirts, supported speakers, snacks, purchased 10 new outdoor picnic tables, and other furniture and technology used in and around BHS.
We encourage and invite the BHS community to become active in our organization. Please request support through our grant application, to donate to our organization, read the e-news or contact us to volunteer at one of our events or as a committee or board member.
BHSPA Meetings
Standing meetings on the second Thursday of each month during the school year, except for holidays. The one-hour-long meeting starts at 7:50 am in the BHS Principal’s Conference Room and is OPEN TO ALL BHS PARENTS/GUARDIANS.
BHSPA officers meet with the Principal to plan and address parent concerns, and afterward, the officers have their own meeting to follow up on issues raised, plan events, strategize, and vote, as needed. Join us!
If you have a concern you wish addressed, please contact any of the BHSPA Officers who will ensure that your voice is heard. BHSPA agenda and minutes are available at any time, please email if you would like a copy of any meeting minutes.
Board & Committee Members
Board Members, 2024-25
Co-Presidents: Lisa Kaushik & Karen Sobol
Co-Vice Presidents: Heather Thacore & Holly Munsie
Treasurer: Apryl Whitt
Secretary: Gretchen Heid
Communications Coordinator: Nina Tate
Webmaster: Jenny Stewart
Fundraising: Melissa Brandt & Jenny Hollman
Boston Representative: OPEN
Hanscom Representative: OPEN
Standing Committees
Hospitality Committee - Tatyana Yatsunov & Julie Manoogian, Co-Chairs
Coordinate occasional refreshments at Principal Roundtables and enrichment programs, and plans food and refreshments for four teacher events, i.e., the Welcome Back Teacher Pizza Luncheon in the Fall, Parent-Teacher Conference Night dinner for the teachers, National Teacher Appreciation Day Lunch, and End of the Year Lunch.
All Night Graduation (ANG) Party Committee - Dawn Kociubes & Leah Walton, C0-Chairs
Plans and oversees BHS’s safe substance-free, fun-filled graduation party for seniors at the high school that runs overnight on the night of graduation.
Co-Chairs Senior Parents Send-Off (SSO) Committee - Chair(s) always are senior parents, please email if you are interested.
When seniors go to their prom, their parents get together to celebrate, reminisce, and enjoy each other’s company one last time before their kids fly the nest. Chair(s) plans the SSO Party, books the venue, and plans the food, registration, and slideshow.
Student Planner & Student Directory Committee - Jenny Stewart, Chair
Collect student and family data from the school to make a student directory; solicit ads from local businesses to help defray the cost of the directory and student planners. This job also oversees the printing of the student planner which is prepared by BHS but paid for by the BHSPA.
Election Committee - Comprised of 2024-25 Officers
Publicizes open positions and plans elections.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
The BHSPA’s board and committee chairs need help in their endeavors to support BHS, its students, administration, and activities. Contact about joining any of these positions.
Boston/Bedford Connection Liaison
Functions as liaisons between the BHSPA and METCO program, these parent managers will work on strengthening a welcoming community for METCO children at BHS and in Bedford. The liaison would participate in METCO meetings occasionally and organizes host families for METCO children to have a home to stay in Bedford when needed.
School Council
The School Council is composed of the principal, four students, four faculty, four parents (2 Bedford residents, 1 Hanscom, and 1 METCO), and one community representative (at large member.) All members, other than the principal, are elected for two-year terms. The Council: (1) assists the principal in adopting educational goals for the school; (2) identifies the educational needs of students attending the school; (3) reviews the school’s annual budget; and (4) formulates a school improvement plan.
- Bedford Representatives: Holly Munsie & Jenny Stewart
- Boston Representative: xxx
- Hanscom Representative: Jenny Desaulniers
Teacher Appreciation Day
A person or small group is needed to organize this catered lunch and raffle day. The coordinator manages a Sign-Up Genius to get volunteers to provide some food items, set up/clean up help, and raffle donations. This person can be the Hospitality Chair or work independently.
The school looks to the BHSPA to contribute funds towards programs for our students, especially when the school budget is tight. All funds raised go back to the school and kids. Plan and coordinate fundraising events & efforts with the Board and other volunteers. The busiest time is in August, September, and October.
Per the bylaws, each position on the board may be filled by two people except Treasurer. If you are interested in running for a position as an officer or committee chair, or you’d like to join a committee, please contact
Don’t see something here but still want to help? We’d love to hear from you!