Fundraising for John Glenn Middle School
The Middle School Parents Association (MSPA) is a non-profit organization supporting the John Glenn Middle School community. We are volunteer-run and do not collect membership dues; all caregivers of JGMS students are automatically members of the MSPA. MSPA's funding comes 100% from donations and fundraising. Your donations are tax-deductible.
The JGMS Spirit Wear Store Is Open for Business!
Shop now through Sunday, September 15 for stylish and comfortable JGMS and Bedford gear!
Show your school and town pride!
MSPA earns 10% of sales.
MSPA Fall Appeal 
October, 2024
Our fall fundraiser with Meadow Farms raised over $3000 for John Glenn Middle School in 2023. We will be running this again October 1-21. More information coming soon!
Other Fundraisers
Restaurant Nights
Direct Donations / Donations in Kind
Thanks for all you do to make John Glenn Middle School great!